A machine control receiver for rotary or slope lasers is a specialized device used in construction and grading applications. It is designed to receive laser signals emitted from a rotating or slope laser and provide precise measurements of elevation or slope. This receiver is commonly used in conjunction with heavy machinery, such as dozers, excavators, or graders, to ensure accurate and efficient grading operations. The receiver detects the laser beam and provides real-time feedback, guiding the operator to achieve the desired grade or slope. It enhances productivity and accuracy in construction projects, allowing for precise leveling and grading in various terrains.

Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Topcon LS-B20 Machine Control Laser Receiver 270° degree laser detection

The Topcon LS-B20 Receiver delivers a versatile, low cost solution for grade checking and machine control grade applications. With its integrated magnetic mount and 270 detection range, the LS-B20 can be easily installed on a vast array of machines with 4 different grade zone selections. In addition, the lightweight design allows the LS-B20 to be paired with Holder-6 and mounted on a grade rod to check grade as well.

Topcon LS-B10 Machine Control Laser Receiver

Topcon receivers are indicate solutions for grade checking and machine control grade applications. They provide cost-effective solutions for grade control on small machines such as backhoes, mini-excavators, skid steer loaders, and other compact equipment.

Topcon LS-B200 Rugged Machine Control Laser Receiver

The Topcon LS-B200 Machine Control Laser Receiver is a reliable device used by construction professionals to measure ground level and sloped terrains. It can be used on dozers, excavators, backhoes, drag-boxes, and scrapers, and offers a 360-degree detection angle, for a more efficient and accurate use in the field.